Why Tennis Players Blow On Their Hands Is Another Topic

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Ever wondered why tennis players blow on their hands. Most of them do it to show that they are ready to take a serve, but there are more reasons to learn

One thing for sure is that there are many different things that you’re likely to see tennis players do during a match that will have you thinking especially if you are new to the game. All you have to do is take the time out to watch a professional match and I can guarantee that you’ll see at least one player blowing on their hands and fingers in between points. Not every player practice doing it, but there’s a handful of them that can’t help but do it between almost every single point.

So, why do tennis players blow on their hands? It’s weird but true that most tennis players blow on their hands as a signal that they are ready for the next ball. But, there are a handful of players that blow on their hands in order to keep them cool or just to simply get the temperature up in cold weather conditions.

Why Tennis Players Blow On Their Hands?

Why Tennis Players Blow On Their Hands

Playing tennis during the summer can be really tough on the players because of hot the place is. During these times it can be very difficult holding onto the racquet as by then there are lots of sweat that starts to build up and make it harder and harder for the players as the day goes on.

These days with new technology there are many ways to actually combat against sweat. What the players can do is put on a replacement grip when needed. They are extremely easy to put on and replace when they are worn out, and professional players might go through many different grips a match.

The good news is that there are also other things like grip enhancers like chalk, gels and more that seems to help players out quite often. It might not seems like the biggest benefit at first, but if you apply it at the right time, I can guarantee that you’ll see the difference in terms of grip.

The most common things that you’ll experience a lot of people doing as well when having sweaty hands and fingers is using dry towels, or their clothes and yes, blow on their hands in order to get it dry. This is a joke to what a blow dryer would do in the restroom. At first when doing it you may get an awkward feeling, but it surely does a pretty good job of getting rid of the sweat from time to time.

This is the most common answer when tennis players are asked about blowing their hands during a match. It makes complete sense and the reason for this is because having sweaty hands can ruin a player overall game. It’s not possible to switch out grips while in the middle of a game, so blowing your hands is a great way to cool things down.

Having to Deal With Colder Conditions

If you take the time out to watch any outdoor sports during the cold months, then you may notice that a lot of athletes constantly blows into their hands. The reason they do this is to try and get their hands warm as much as possible, even if it is just for a few seconds it would still be worth it.

Once your hands begin to get cold, it is almost impossible to get any real touch or feel. Since that is important when it comes to playing tennis, most players tries to do anything in their power to keep themselves comfortable on the court.

The good news for players who play tennis professionally is that there are only a few matches that actually take place in cold weather conditions. You might occasionally experience a few cold day at the tournament, but most tennis match are going to be held during the warmer months.

More Common At The Recreational Level

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One thing for sure is that at the recreational level it is a lot more common. The main reason behind this is because players are trying to get out there and play as often as possible, but depending on the location they are playing at, some days might get a bit chilly. It gets even worse if the match is being played during the night.

There are other alternatives to blowing on the hands to warm things up such as gloves, or even getting a small space heater near the bench between changeovers.

Whenever it gets cold, the player has to try everything in their power to keep their hands and fingers warm, not only that but the actual racquet and strings need to stay warm as well. You’ll also experience a few players going as far as blowing hot air on the racquet strings to warm them up a bit. In a sport that everything counts, players always try to get an edge over their opponents.

Having to Deal With Blisters, Burns and More

Constantly swinging the racquet around for hours each day can cause burns, blisters, etc to your hands and fingers. The most common issue a lot of players face is blister. Rafael Nadal is one of the most popular player around the world who has to constantly tape up his fingers to protect them from all his blisters.

Another thing that many players experience is burn to the hands. There are many people who compare this to a carpet burn or something a bit similar and although it might seem like nothing much, it can cause challenging to the player performance.

Facing these issues can be hard on the player as they only get worsen over time as the player tries to play through them. This is the main reason why a lot of players are trying to find ways to reduce the pain and make everything go away. Constantly blowing on them may cool it down and also help to reduce the level of pain.


In some cases, hand blowing is just a matter of superstition, which is not uncommon in contact sports. We all know that player who wears the same headband or socks for every single match. They believe that makes them win.

Often, superstitions have nothing to do with the outcome of the game, rather, they give the players the much-needed confidence to be able to perform. Tennis is a high-pressure game, not only do players have to perform, but they have to do it in the midst of millions watching them, live and on Tv. It is only obvious that they need that little bit of voodoo. Sometimes, hand blowing is just a matter of belief.

To Counter Numbness

Having a strong grip over the racket and using full forearm power over a long period of time can lead to pain and numbness. Hand blowing can help players to get back a bit of function and provide some relief from pain. We all are aware that blowing can do little to soothe sore and aching muscles, but it can provide a tiny bit of relief to players who still have a long way to go before they get any kind of ice or pain medication.

Other Reasons Why Players Blow On Their Hands

Some players have just recently break into this habit of blowing their hands for each points. One player that have been doing this for quite some time now is Roger Federer, he even does it when there is no need to. I guess it provides them with a laid-back, cool demeanor that also helps the player refocus on a new point.

You can think of it as a way to feel locked in before a point. It might seem a bit awkward to some people, but when a player has break into the habit of doing it on a regular basis, it just becomes part of the routine they can get behind. It does makes sense than some other routine out there that a lot of other players are following.

Alternatives To Hand Blowing

Let me begin by saying there is absolutely nothing wrong with hand blowing, but if you do want to kick the habit, here are a few tips you can try:

  • Using a towel to deal with sweat is a good idea.
  • There is also professionally curated chalk and gels available in the market to help deal with pain and sweat while playing tennis.
  • Hand warmers is another option if the hand blowing is due to the cold.
  • Players could also try wearing dresses with pockets to keep their hands warm between points.

Does It Actually Work?

If you’re planning on taking part in the sport, you can try this out and see what kind of change it makes. It’s very effective not only to cool your hands off, but also to keep them warm during the cold month. If you have any tapes from the past, you may realize that there are many players who have being doing this for years just to gain an edge against their opponents. This means that you need to have the right grip and also make the right strokes.

One way you can actually test this out is to do it right before serving. It is safe to say that it is where a lot of players are struggling with gripping the racquet the correct way, so it is very easy to measure the effectiveness. As a player you are less likely to face any problem at the beginning of the match, but things might start to change later down. It might just be the difference between winning or losing a match, so I think the best thing to do is try it out and you’ll see what works best for you.

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Gaurav Mongia

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