John Millman Tennis Racquet When You Want A Good One

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Get the John Millman Tennis Racquet. It is a rare, customized one and you might not find it so easily on the market, but you can always look at it online.

I know for a fact that the majority of John Millman’s fan base is not familiar with the brand tennis racquet that he uses. There have also been lots of guesses and rumors about if its the tennis racquet he uses that faulters with his skills of not taken home any titles or I should say mayor titles.

His current ranking for 2020 is #43 in the ATP rankings however his best year was in 2018 where he was ranked #33.

John Millman - Tecnifibre

All that said the question still remains, what tennis racquet does John Millman uses? He uses the Tecnifibre APT T-Flight 32- XTC tennis racquet. I know, its the first time hearing about this tennis racquet for the majority of you guys especially if you are new to the sport.

There are a few other professional tennis players that use this brand as well however they are ranked above #80 in the ranking actors. The brand may not be as world-famous as the others but it’s really good I can tell you that it gives all a run for their money, let us get into the specs of John Millman tennis racquet.

So before we get into the specifics of John Millman’s tennis racquet and learn about why many tennis stars use it even though it is not so well known. Let us learn how you can choose the best tennis racquet for yourself.

Key considerations when choosing a tennis racquet:

  • Based on head size: The tennis racquet head size refers to the size of the actual hitting area within the tennis racquet frame. The larger the head size of a racquet, the more power the racquet can generate.
  • Based on weight: The weight of the racquet is another factor that is very important while purchasing a new racket. Tennis racquets come in a large range of different weights from 225g to 340g.
  • Based on racquet balance: A Racquet balance is the weight distribution along the length of the racquet. There are three types of balance distributions used in tennis racquets:
  1. Head heavy racquet
  2. Head light racquet
  3. Even balance racquet
  • Based on racquet length: The longer the length of the racquet, the greater the leverage on a swing, therefore giving more power to a shot.

You can also determine the type of tennis racquet you need based on where you are in your tennis journey.

  • Beginner tennis player– If you are a beginner tennis player, always start with a light racquet that has a large head or an oversized racquet. This will help you make contact with the ball without wearing out your arm, elbow or wrist muscles.
  • Intermediate tennis player– If you are an intermediate tennis player, you can choose a slightly smaller head and a racquet that has a bit of weight thus providing better control too.
  • Advanced tennis player– If you are an advanced tennis player, use a mid size head and a heavyweight frame racquet that will allow you to play with control, feel and precision.

John Millman Tennis Racquet


Tecnifibre TFight 265 XTC

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Tecnifibre APT T-Flight 32- XTC Tennis Racquet

  • Headsize 98 sq, in HL
  • Length 27 in
  • Strung weight 12oz
  • String pattern 18/19
  • Swingweight 320
  •  Polyester fibers, increasing the strength of the frame while allowing greater flexibility
  • Dynacore HD returns

This tennis racquet is well built it carries a lot of features as well as you can see above this is an all-rounder tennis racquet as well. It provides good power and fast swings on the court easy to move around for what I can tell so far about this racquet.

This is not a common racquet so there is not much intel about the racquet itself am just going by what I see the manufactured companies have out on this. On that note, the racquet must be exceptional for the #43 ranking player to be using it in the first place.

And truth be told there are a large number of manufacturers out there that are now building tennis racquets the sports are getting more populated as the years go by so its no wonder in an increase in companies as well. I personally have experience with a racquet I once used in the past that had no name but that tennis racquet had given me one of the best plays I have ever gotten from a tennis racquet.

The main point am trying to get at is that it doesn’t have to be a popular known brand to be good, some will even give better plays than the popular and more expensive ones too.

Can I Buy John Millman’s Tennis Racquet?

I personally have seen this tennis racquet on the Amazon market store however it’s not always in stock, apart from that I can’t point o anywhere else that I know that has these in stock or are even safe to buy from at this moment. If you guys know any other marketplace hats selling this specific tennis racquet you can email me and let us have a look but for now, the Amazon market store is the only trustworthy place I know.


Thanks for reaching the end in John Millman’s tennis racquet review, we hope you have learned some things you did not know about the tennis racquet that John Millman uses. There are lots of tennis racket brands and manufacturers our there that also build great tennis racquets that you may not have heard about. Not because they aren’t popular as they others mean they are not good.

Again thanks for reading, please remember to check a few of the related articles that we on here like for example, what racquet does Cori ‘Coco’ Gauff use.

Gaurav Mongia

Welcome! We are a passionate group of writers and researchers who enjoy writing about tennis racquets, tennis balls, and other tennis equipments. We hope you find this guide helpful.

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